Now showing items 1-20 of 63
On the main components of landscape evolution modelling of river systems
(Springer, 2020-01-23)
Currently, the use of numerical models for reproducing the evolution of river systems and landscapes is part of the day-by-day research activities of fuvial engineers and geomorphologists. However, despite landscape evolution ...
Characterization of drilling-related noise and curvelet-based evaluation of seismic-interferometric reflections for imaging of iron-bearing formations in Pilbara,Western Australia
Here we analyse ambient noise (AN) data generated during drilling of exploration boreholes
and recorded using a dense array deployed over one of the numerous shallow iron-ore mineralisation
targets in the Pilbara region ...
Deriving Planform Morphology and Vegetation Coverage From Remote Sensing to Support River Management Applications
With the increasing availability of big geospatial data (e.g., multi-spectral satellite imagery) and access to platforms that support multi-temporal analyses (e.g., cloud-based computing, Geographical Information Systems, ...
A Review on Land Use and Land Cover Change in Ethiopian Basins
(MDPI, 2021-06-01)
Land Use Land Cover (LULC) changes analysis is one of the most useful methodologies
to understand how the land was used in the past years, what types of detections are to be expected
in the future, as well as the driving ...
Structure of a diffuse suture between Fennoscandia and Sarmatia in SE Poland based on interpretation of regional reflection seismic profiles supported by unsupervised clustering
The Paleoproterozoic suture between Sarmatia and Fennoscandia (SFS), two major components of the
East European Craton, extends SW-ward from Russia through Belarus to SE Poland. The exact
character of this suture remains ...
Numerical modeling of the hydro-morphodynamics of a distributary channel of the Po River Delta (Italy) during the spring 2009 flood event
(MDPI, 2020-05-30)
One-dimensional (1D) numerical models generally provide reliable results when applied
to simulate river hydraulics and morphodynamics upstream of the tidal influence, given the
predominantly unidirectional flow conditions. ...
Tidal modulation of river-flood deposits: How low can you go?
(The Geological Society of America, 2020)
Quantification of the interaction between river discharge and tides is vital to characterize
fluvio-deltaic systems, to identify diagnostic elements of tidal signatures in the rock record,
and to reconstruct paleogeographies. ...
Seven Decades of Publishing with the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
(Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2021-08-25)
Seven years have passed since the last brief outline of the editorial output of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, was published (Dziembowska and Wernik 2014); the present text is a continuation and ...
TTZ-South seismic experiment
(Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal, 2020)
The wide-angle reflection and refraction (WARR) TTZ-South transect carried out in 2018 crosses the SW region of Ukraine and the SE region of Poland. The TTZ-South profile targeted the structure of the Earth’s crust and ...
Hydrological responses to land use land cover changes in the Fincha'a watershed, Ethiopia
(MDPI, 2021-08-31)
Land use land cover (LULC) changes are highly pronounced in African countries, as they are characterized by an agriculture-based economy and a rapidly growing population. Understanding how land use/cover changes (LULCC) ...
The Microscopic Insight into Fracturing of Brittle Materials with the Discrete Element Method
(Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020)
Geophysics is an extremely vast field of science that studies the physical processes taking place on Earth or other planets. One of such processes is fracturing of materials. To support these statesments two phenomena can ...
Full-Scale Crustal Interpretation of Kokkola–Kymi (KOKKY) Seismic Profile, Fennoscandian Shield
(Springer Nature, 2020)
The Kokkola–Kymi Deep Seismic Sounding profile crosses the Fennoscandian Shield in northwest-southeast (NW–SE)
direction from Bothnian belt to Wiborg rapakivi batholith through Central Finland granitoid complex (CFGC). ...
Segment-Scale Seismicity of the Ultraslow Spreading Knipovich Ridge
(AGU, 2021)
Ultraslow spreading ridges form the slowest divergent plate boundaries and exhibit distinct spreading processes in volcanically active magmatic sections and intervening amagmatic sections. Local seismicity studies of ...
In Memoriam Professor Marek Grad (1951–2020) an outstanding Polish geophysicist and polar researcher
(Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020)
TTZ-SOUTH seismic experiment (in Ukrainian)
(Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal, 2021)
The wide-angle reflection and refraction (WARR) TTZ-South transect carried out in 2018 crosses the SW region of Ukraine and the SE region of Poland. The TTZ-South profile targeted the structure of the Earth’s crust and ...
Nature of relationships between atmospheric electricity parameters at ground surface and air ionization on the basis of nuclear accidents in power plants and weapons tests
In this work we present an analysis of selected atmospheric electricity parameters, measured at the Geophysical Observatory in S´ wider (near Warsaw, Poland), in a review of the major events that resulted in the release ...
Passive seismic experiment “AniMaLS” in the Polish Sudetes (NE Variscides)
(European Geosciences Union, 2021-09-02)
The paper presents information about the seismic experiment “AniMaLS” which aims to provide a new insight into the crust and upper mantle structure beneath the Polish Sudetes (NE margin of the Variscan orogen). The seismic ...
Long-lived Paleoproterozoic eclogitic lower crust
(Springer Nature, 2021-11-12)
The nature of the lower crust and the crust-mantle transition is fundamental to Earth sciences. Transformation of lower crustal rocks into eclogite facies is usually expected to result in lower crustal delamination. Here ...
Wspomnienia pośmiertne - commemoration. Marek Grad (1951-2020)
(Polskie Towarzystwo Geofizyczne, 2021)
Analysis of Measurements and Modelling of the Biologically Active UV Solar Radiation for Selected Sites in Poland – Assessment of Photo-medical Effects
(Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020)
This publication presents scenarios how to balance pro-health and detrimental effects of the UV
radiation during controlled heliotherapy in order to minimize harm (erythema appearance and
DNA damage) and maximize gain ...