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Application of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Models for Assessment of Education Quality in Water Resources Engineering
(MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 2025-01-02)Assessing and improving the quality of education in universities can play a prominent role in developing countries. This study aims to demonstrate an extensive methodology with a related algorithm for assessing the quality ... -
Results of Geomagnetic Observations Belsk, Hel, Hornsund, 2023
(Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2024-10-31)This publication contains basic information on geomagnetic observations carried out in 2023 in three Polish geophysical observatories: Belsk, Hel, and Hornsund. IAGA codes are respectively: BEL, HLP, and HRN. All these ... -
Comparison of different techniques in determining groundwater levels trends in Türkiye
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)Groundwater represents one of the largest resources of freshwater in the world. Thus, investigations of groundwater level variations due to climate change and increasing human activities are of great importance, especially ... -
Results of Atmospheric Electricity and Meteorological Observations, S. Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory at Świder, 2007–2010
(Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2023-12-31)Atmospheric electricity yearbooks have not been published since 2007. This was the result of the start of operation of the automatic database in which atmospheric electricity measurement data are recorded with high time ... -
Assessment of meteorological, hydrological and groundwater drought in the Konya closed basin, Türkiye
(Springer, 2024-05-02)Water scarcity, and drought in particular, is a major challenge worldwide, causing direct and indirect negative effects on ecological systems and water resources, as well as social and economic aspects of life. Climate ...